Tuesday, March 29, 2016

You are reading Nathan's blog. Welcome!

Subject: Do something!

   Hi everybody. I'm here to change what we're doing. "What are we doing Nathan?" You might wonder. Well, that's easy. Let's say that we're destroying the world faster than anything.
   The generations before us, adults, and older people have polluted the world, our one world. The end result is that we're gonna inherit the shriveled brown husk of our planet that's left. What I'm trying to change is the rate that it's happening in and to eventually even stop it.
   The problem is here, now. Everything we've done, (and by we've I mean the 8 billion people on the planet, and the people before them) has a price, one that we're all gonna have to pay.
   Global warming and more people! At the rate things are going now by about the year 2060 things will get really bad. Recordings have been made of the worst extreme weather ever; just because the earth has gotten about one degree warmer. We're warming up the planet and the planets ice is melting. If fifty percent of the worlds ice melts countless rivers and streams will overflow and then dry up, killing hundreds of thousands of people from disease or starvation. The ocean water level will rise from four feet to twenty feet. Want to see the Eiffel Tower by canoe? Do any of your families own beach houses? Kiss 'em goodbye. And not 200 years from now. Soon. Maybe within this lifetime.
   Every day cars belch exhaust. Factories spew toxins into our air, land, and water. We've cleared millions of square miles of forests and plains and built ugly subdivisions in their place. Which means tons of topsoil are just washing away. Which means loss of animals and plants, and increased fires, floods, and coastal disintegration. Just by stuff people have made, (even your daddy's new shelf) we're raising the overall temperature of the entire atmosphere. Well, we only got one atmosphere! What are we gonna do when it's destroyed? Can we all hold our breath until God goes to the universal Wal-Mart and gets a new one?
   In general, we need to pay more attention to what we do what we buy, who we buy it from. Use compact fluorescent lightbulbs. Look into other kinds of power. Windmills, water mills, solar power.
Every year, corporations pay gazillion green pieces of paper (society is so messed up. How come it makes you rich and important when you have more picies of paper than some body else) in legal fees to avoid getting fined for pollution violations. What if they took a tiny percentage of that money and put it toward coming up with better energy sources?

   I'm just one kid. But if I can come up with all this why can't you? Will you join the grown-ups and wait till the water is lapping at. Your feet?


1 comment:

  1. I do not mean all adults but the only ones that only care about how much money they have in their bank account. (Cough, chough Trump
